Are cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing all the same things? These are words we hear frequently, but do we really realize there is a difference between them?
Let’s take a look into the differences between cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing.
- Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces by scrubbing, washing, and rinsing. It removes germs but does not kill them.
- Disinfecting refers to killing 99.9% of viruses and is more effective than sanitizing in lowering the risk of spreading infection.
- Sanitizing kills 99.9% of bacteria on surfaces or objects, a level judged as safe by public health standards.
Director John Howard of The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) pointed out during a webinar last year that, “Cleaning is getting the dirt out. Sanitizing is what’s used in public health a lot to get down to a certain level of bacteria… Disinfection is killing everything. That’s where you want to aim.”
What about a sustainable disinfecting and sanitizing solution?
Disinfection is the most reliable way to stop the spread of germs. ZONO Technologies™ has done just that by creating an innovative and easily integrated system for disinfecting+ and sanitizing* without the use of liquid chemicals found in many of the products on the market today. The mission is “to provide disinfecting and sanitizing solutions that protect the health and welfare of people and the earth.”
How do parents, teachers, public safety workers, schools, child care facilities, and sports programs disinfect non-washable equipment? The cabinets designed by ZONO Technologies use ozone and humidity to disinfect and sanitize. Ozone is one of nature’s most powerful oxidizers and is commonly used in the bottled water and food processing industries to disinfect and sanitize. According to the EPA Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet on Ozone Disinfection, ozone is more effective than chlorine in destroying common viruses+ and bacteria*.
Why ZONO Technologies?
ZONO™ Ozone Disinfecting and Sanitizing Cabinets are sustainable, easy to use, and only take 38-minutes to complete a cycle. This reduces the amount of water that may be used with other products, eliminates waste from wipes or paper towels, and leaves no residue behind. It also allows for the disinfecting and sanitizing of items like books, crayons, ropes, body armor, and other equipment used in classrooms, gyms, or locker rooms that cannot traditionally be disinfected and sanitized with typical wipes or sprays. The ZONO™ saves time, a valuable resource we cannot get back, and was created with the user in mind to keep the process flowing seamlessly and effortlessly.
Disinfecting and Sanitizing are best! ZONO Technologies has created a simple and sustainable way to fight viruses and bacteria.
Click here to learn more about the history of ZONO Technologies!